Coffee with the Chief

Published on January 12, 2023

Police officers with Starbucks aprons on

The Littleton Police Department (LPD) partnered with Starbucks to host a Coffee with the Chief event on Thursday, January 12. Littleton Police Chief, Doug Stephens, spoke with many members of the Littleton community on topics ranging from homelessness, crime trends, volunteer opportunities, and other areas of interest in Littleton. 


 The goal of the event was to allow residents and business owners to ask questions and gain insight on the department. The LPD is committed to communication efforts through increased transparency and community engagement with events such as these.

Chief of Police addressing a group of citizens


Officers also had an opportunity to interact with baristas and even serve some coffee at the drive-thru window. LPD is thankful for all of the community support that was expressed during the event and the department looks forward to

hosting similar events in the future.




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